Callaghanium is a not-for-profit organisation set up and run not to create productions with and for the privileged few, but rather to actively seek to create productions with the many, for the many, and about the many, irrespective of their start in life.
Callaghanium’s mission is to examine and reflect the human condition in all its beautifully nuanced and brutally contradictory aspects.
Callaghanium receives no annual government subsidy and relies on trusts, corporate partners, foundations and individuals to sustain our work, enriching life (and aspirations in life) with access to creativity and culture, telling exciting stories from the vantage point of the lesser heard.
If you are a proponent of numerology, Callaghanium’s atomic number 119 resonates with ideas of co-existence (like teamwork and diplomacy), including both relationships and self-reliance. Its intrinsic energy of compromise and cooperation resonates with an innate sense of humanitarianism and tolerance.
Irrelevant of their start in life, Callaghanium’s fundamentals are essential to every single person’s life - now, more than ever - a critical element, if you will…